Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Intro Video

    • Welcome!

  • 2

    The Hook

    • Introduction

    • Slideshow

  • 3

    The Content

    • Introduction

    • To Watch: The Dope Educator Handshake

    • To Read: Why Encouraging Student Remote Relationship Building Matters

    • To View: Three Tenets of Forming Genuine Relationships with Students

    • To Read: The Meaning of Engagement | Phil Schlechty

    • To Watch: Every kid needs a champion | Rita Pierson

    • To Read: Increasing Student Achievement Through Relationships

    • Introduction to the Schlechty Center's Classroom Standards

    • Reflection

  • 4

    Collaborative Activity

    • Collaborative Activity

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    Individual Activity

    • Individual Activity

    • Reflection

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    Exit Ticket

    • Exit Ticket

    • Engagement Survey

    • Exit Slide